Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October baby/toddler photo idea

I LOVE taking pictures, if I had a big nice camera I'd NEVER have professional pictures taken of my kids. When I try hard I even get awesome pictures with my iPhone, so when I have a cute idea OR run across one on Pinterest I try my best to create a little space so I can't have a photo shoot.

A couple weeks ago my cousin sent me a picture of her little boy with a pumpkin butt!!! Cutest thing I have ever seen. I just knew I had to do this with Berran. Now the cousin is a toddler so it was a little easier for his mom to snap a shop versus a baby who HATES being on their tummy but I thought I'd give it a shot anyways.
I gathered some items to use as props; baby's 1st pumpkin, black basket box, fake fall leaves and used my car seat canopy to lay on the floor. Now I must say I had SEVERAL awful pictures and it took a few tries to get a good shot. I actually meant to save the fails to share but I accidentally deleted them! Luckily I did get 2 very cute pictures. One emphasizes the butt and the other the pumpkin. Thank you instagram for the quick and easy iPhone edits making us all THINK we are professional photographers. If you do this please share with me as I'd love to see your cute pictures as well:)

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