Thursday, August 21, 2014

Milk Blister/Bleb

Breastfeeding is not always easy. Some deal with low supply and others (like me) deal with an over supply. Up until my son was around 5 weeks old I had a massive over supply. I was feeding him and then pumping out 6-8oz. After I had a stash built up in my freezer I decided I would slowely try to stop pumping. I thought I'd rid my night time pumping. I mean who wants to stay up an additional 30 minutes pumping, storing and cleaning up their mess anyways? Right? Wrong! I tried this once woke up to a red spot and an incredibly sore nipple. I thought maybe his latch was wrong. That was not the problem. A few hours later a little blister or bleb came up on my nipple. This looks like a little white dot on the nipple. Naturally I googled it. I highly recommend it has helped me a lot. Anyways, this is where I found out exactly what it was. So I began doing hot and cold compresses, massaging boob before feeding, trying everything to get this blister gone and the milk out. By that night it was still there and I decided I would try to pop it. I washed my hands squeezed it like a pimple and the milk came dripping out (okay more like flowing) the hard lump was gone and the next day my nipple felt normal. About a week later I decided to try to stop pumping once again, another milk blister/bleb appeared and I immediatly popped it and didn't have to deal with the pain of a clogged duct once again. The milk came out in an instant. Luckily I haven't had any problems since.

*i am not a dr, so not use this for medical advice. This is just my experience with breastfeeding and how I dealt with it. Feel free to use my tips and tricks but seek help from a dr if you need it*

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