Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Breastfeeding to me

Breastfeed: to feed from a mothers breast.
(Mirriam/Webster definition)
Such a plain definition to describe something as big as breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is more than just feeding from a mothers breast. Breastfeeding to me is a beautiful thing, it is natural, it is a way to provide for your baby in a way that no one else can, it is a bonding experience, it is healthy, stress relieving and rewarding. Breastfeeding is spectacular.
I had my first son when I was 16 so I did not know much about breastfeeding nor did I care if he was formula fed but after having him and getting pregnant with my second son Broox I decided that I would nurse him until he was at least 6 weeks old. Little did I know how big of an impact it would have on my life and how much I would enjoy it. 6 weeks passed and my next goal was 3 months. 3 months passed and then my goal was 6 months. 6 months passed and then I decided he would be weaned at a year old. Nursing him was so special. I felt a bond with him that I did not have with my first son and I strongly believe it is because of our nursing relationship. When I weaned him at one I felt okay with my decision and he done great with weaning we had no troubles at all, but as the months went on I started to feel as if I had made a mistake. I missed our special time together, I missed our nursing relationship and me providing something for him that no one not even his father could provide. I feel like most of the time the mom mourns the end of mother/child nursing relationship almost like a death. It is a sad thing and it is sad to think about. So, when I had my third son Berran I prayed that my milk would come in, as it did and I had an over supply and I prayed that we will have a long healthy nursing relationship. So far so good. He is currently 2 months old and exclusively breastfed. I enjoy every moment of it and cherish it because I know that it will not last forever. I still have the same goals 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and then assuming we make it to 1 year I want to nurse him longer. I once believed extended breastfeeding was weird or not normal but I've learned that it is normal and that we just live in a society that doesn't view extended breastfeeding as acceptable. A mother and child should continue to have a nursing relationship as long as both are comfortable with doing so. I know it will not always be easy but I'm hoping everything works out for Berran and I. He is my last child so he is my last nursling and I want to enjoy, cherish and make every moment last.

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