Thursday, September 25, 2014

Nursing in public

Nursing in public is a fear of so many women. They fear what othesr think or maybe you're modest and fear showing too much. I have known women who would formula feed and go without pumping because they didn't want to pump anywhere outside their house or feed around anyone except people they were comfortable around. Even with a cover some people still choose not to nurse in public. 
Then their are women who use a blanket or a cover. Atleast that way the baby is getting fed breastmilk and the breasts are covered. That makes women feel a little better about nursing in public and it usually reduces the stares, or does it?
I have 3 boys my oldest was formula fed, my middle son was mostly exclusively breastfed but over the course of 12 months we probably supplemented with about 3-4 cans of formula so I like to think I done good, and for this child he is exclusively breastfed. I have had my fair share of experiences with nursing in public.
Of course with a bottle no one cares and no one stares so with my first there was no problem. Then with Broox I had no problem nursing in public anywhere and every where but I did so with a blanket. I didn't have a cover so I just used a blanket instead. Yes, it was a little hard at first but once I got the hang of it I was fine and did so comfortably. I never had anyone make comments but while getting him latched on and everything fooling with a blanket definitely drew attention our way but I didn't care my main concern was getting him fed who cares what others think.
With my newest son Berran we no longer worry about a cover. I nurse in public without one and have found it is much easier and I feel as if I was doing it all wrong with Broox. I always wear a tank under my shirt and when he is ready to eat Pull down my tank and bra, get him in position and raise up my shirt and he latches right on.
No one has ever noticed me doing this and so many times I've had to tell people they cant hold or see him because he is eating. I even had a doctor examine him while he was nursing and she didn't even realize he was eating until I said something so yes it is discreet.
Us as mothers must know that our boobs are not sexual the world has just sexualized them and yes it is fine for you to few them as a sex symbol during certain intimate times but really they were made to nurture and feed our babies. It is not wrong to feed your baby in public, it is not gross, you are not trying to get attention or any of the above. You are trying to feed your child which is 100% natural and beautiful. A woman's body is remarkable we are able to make and carry a child and then continue to provide him with nutrients as long as we desire. That is just amazing to me and for some one to feel ashamed of nursing in general or in public, that saddens me.
So, for all you women who are scared or feel embarrassd nursing in public find a way that is comfortable to you. Practice in the mirror and in your house. Start nursing in small places out in public. Before you know it you will no longer feel that way and more than likely will graduate to no cover. Let's all come together and naturalize breastfeeding!


  1. Loved this post! Breast feeding is the most natural God-given way to provide for our babies. It is absolutely miraculous how our bodies can keep up with baby's growth spurts, and know exactly how to feed from start to finish of a feeding. Just amazing. Even after nursing my four children, I was still amazed with how wonderfully perfect my body matched up with what my baby needed just when he needed it. I know not all moms are able to nurse for different reasons, but kudos to them for trying! It is not easy! But it is much more convenient and less stressful than buying formula, packing it, mixing it and storing it. I have nursed everywhere. Seriously. Fortunately, where I live, I never received looks. But I was super good at being discrete. I'm not one who likes to mKe people feel uncomfortable, but my baby's health is more important so I fed anywhere. I will say, if I was at a location where I could get to a secluded place, I would. If not, then I use a blanket. And I didn't hVe quiet eaters! They were gulpers! Lol. Thanks again for sharing!

    1. Love, love, loooove your reply. That is so awesome! I love hearing other mothers nursing stories! I am still amazed myself. I think a woman's body is truely amazing how we carry and grow a child to still being able to provide nutrients from our body even after they are born. Thank you for sharing your nursing story!
