Monday, September 1, 2014

Sunning your diapers

• It will save you money on your electric because you will not have to use your dryer, it bleaches the stains right out, gives them a fresh smell, and the uv kills bacteria. 

There are a few things I've read but not had to deal with (okay 1) on the down side to sunning.

• Leaving them in the direct sun or heat too long can ruin your PUL/TPU, the weather may change without you knowing and they may get rained or snowed on (this one has happened to me!) and of course bugs.

Now all of these are easily avoidable. Don't leave them out too long or remove them from direct sun once bleached out, check the weather, and check diapers for bugs. I would not recommend drying diapers and covers (inserts are fine) because drying can shorten the life of your diaper so sun and hang dry as often as possible. I have a few pics to show how well sun bleaching works.
Wah la! Stains be gone! The sun works wonders on stains.

*for more tips on cloth diapering please comment and I can email you a copy of my cloth diaper 101 booklets. This includes diaper prep, wash routine, dry routine, cd safe rash creams, ways to strip your diaper, ways to rid yeast from diapers, DIY no sew wipe fabric, and wipe solution.*


  1. Wow I never knew that sun could get the stains out. That is good to know for clothes too! I hope to cloth diaper in the future.

    1. Yes, it works awesome! Be careful sunning your clothes with color as it can fade them. It works wonders on whites and you obviously don't have to worry about fading with whites. I love cloth diapering and am sad I didn't do it with my other two!
