Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Looking back on 2014

It's always nice when a New Year begins. Of course everyone acts like New Year new beginnings but every second, minute, hour, day, week, month we have a chance for a new beginning or to change our mindset. The way I look at it, is to be thankful for how far you've came, make changes when you feel they need to be made don't wait until there is a new year. 
This past year has been absolutely wonderful and beautiful. After many mistakes and not truely knowing myself I feel that I am finally in touch with myself, know myself and am constantly happy. I couldn't and wouldn't ask for a better family. I know exactly who my true friends are and when it comes down to it Berrac is my best friend. It feels awesome knowing I can talk to him about any and everything and that I have found my 'anyways friend'. 

I am currently binge watching Private Practice and one episode one of the main characters daughters gets married and he was talking about how his daughter called him her anyways friend and now her anyway friend is also her husband. An anyway friend is someone who loves you no matter what you've done, said or what has happened and that they love you anyways. I truely feel that Berrac is my anyway friend and I am so happy that he is my other half and the father of my kids despite what we've been through over the years, I couldn't ask for anyone better.
2014 was nothing but ups for me the entire year. I don't remember a moment of downs or unhappiness.In January we announced that we were pregnant with our sweet Berran. This was exciting for me because after irregular periods, being diagnosed with PCOS and told if would be hard for me to conceive, I was unexpectantly surprised with a positive test. 

Broox began playing soccer, Braxton played flag football. Broox graduated preschool and Braxton Kindgarten which also meant he'd be attending a bigger school. Berran was born June 17th at only 35 weeks. We weren't expecting him until July 20th but God had other plans. I was scared, the doctors and nurses prepare you for the worst which would have been a stay in the nicu but by the grace of god we had a happy and healthy 6lb 8oz 18in long baby boy who had no complications and no nicu stay.
Around the same time football began and they were on the Rams 6u. Broox was the youngest child starting at age 4. I watched him start out as an uninterest child rolling around in the grass not putting forth effort to a lovely 5 year old that wasn't the best but was enjoying time playing, giving his best effort and having fun with his friends, which in the end he was awarded with the 'Iron Man' award.
Braxton was a very determined first year player and I waited the whole football season to see him lose his fear of hitting and FINALLY after the Rams season was over and he was selected for the East Allstars (1) game they played and he was finally tackling. Proud mom moment for sure!
Then of course we had our first Halloween, thanksgiving and Christmas as a family of 5. 
I really couldn't have asked for a better year. I hope to have another awesome year, so long 2014 and hello 2015.

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