Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Berran is 7 months!

01-17-2015 Berran turned 7 months. About 3 weeks ago on 01-05-2015 he had his 6 months shots (a little late) and well child check up he weighed in at 21lbs 12oz and 28in long. I'd say he is now just a little big bigger. 
Berran has such a big personality. He now laughs at all sorts of things like tickeling, funny voices, talking, peek a boo, and his big brothers. He has an extremely loud mouth, no really, he loves to hear himself hollering. Below you can watch a video of him laughing at his big brother Braxton.
On 01-15-2015 he got his first tooth.

A few days ago on 01-23-2015 he finally said dada. Yes, I know he really wasn't putting 2 and 2 together that dada was Berrac but I'll say that will be here soon. Regardless it was still an exciting moment I even have a cute little video where he is trying to say it but just mouthing it with no sound coming out and finally he said it. You can watch the 2 videos here.
He is now sitting without support and playing with toys. He is still pretty much exclusively breastfed with the exception of a snack once a day. We are doing a combination of delayed solids and baby lead weaning so no baby food yet. He is nursing I'd say 6 times a day maybe more depending and when he has a snack it's either crackers or some type of fruit. Sometimes we let him have a sample of what we are having for dinner if its a baby led weaning appropriate meal. He loves his sugar free ice lollys/Popsicle which I had to buy after he began constantly wanting one when he'd see Berrac eating one after dinner which was not sugar free.

On 01-26-2014 his second tooth broke skin.
I'm excited to see what milestones he will hit throughout the rest of this month.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Italian Sausage Spinach Penne

What you'll need:

•1 bundle of fresh spinach
•1 roll of Italian sausage OR Italian turkey sausage
•half a box of vegetable penne noodles
•a can of diced Italian tomatos in basil and oregano. 
•mozzarella cheese
•optional: natural sea salt, pepper, parsley flakes, Italian seasoning, oregano, onion powder, garlic powder, Parmesan cheese.

What to do:

•fill a pan with water and bring to a boil  
•add in half a box of penne noodles. Be sure the water is above the noodles.
•while the noodles are boiling brown the sausage in a pan.
•check penne noodles and then turn off heat once they are done, drain the water off of noodles.
•chop up spinach (it will wilt down in size) and add in with the sausage. 
•once the spinach is wilted down and sausage is completely browned reduce heat, add in noodles and stir.
•add in about 1/2 a cup of mozzarella cheese or more if you like and stir.
•drain the tomatoes, add in and stir.
•optional: add in sea salt, pepper, oregano, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, onion powder and Parmesan to your liking.


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

LLL breastfeeding milestone badges

Unlike the monthly short term milestone badges these from are the longer goal milestone badges.

1-24 month Breastfeeding Milestone Badges

*I do not own these or this design it was found on photo bucket as a flashing badge and I thought I would share these on here for other breastfeeding moms to use*

Looking back on 2014

It's always nice when a New Year begins. Of course everyone acts like New Year new beginnings but every second, minute, hour, day, week, month we have a chance for a new beginning or to change our mindset. The way I look at it, is to be thankful for how far you've came, make changes when you feel they need to be made don't wait until there is a new year. 
This past year has been absolutely wonderful and beautiful. After many mistakes and not truely knowing myself I feel that I am finally in touch with myself, know myself and am constantly happy. I couldn't and wouldn't ask for a better family. I know exactly who my true friends are and when it comes down to it Berrac is my best friend. It feels awesome knowing I can talk to him about any and everything and that I have found my 'anyways friend'. 

I am currently binge watching Private Practice and one episode one of the main characters daughters gets married and he was talking about how his daughter called him her anyways friend and now her anyway friend is also her husband. An anyway friend is someone who loves you no matter what you've done, said or what has happened and that they love you anyways. I truely feel that Berrac is my anyway friend and I am so happy that he is my other half and the father of my kids despite what we've been through over the years, I couldn't ask for anyone better.
2014 was nothing but ups for me the entire year. I don't remember a moment of downs or unhappiness.In January we announced that we were pregnant with our sweet Berran. This was exciting for me because after irregular periods, being diagnosed with PCOS and told if would be hard for me to conceive, I was unexpectantly surprised with a positive test. 

Broox began playing soccer, Braxton played flag football. Broox graduated preschool and Braxton Kindgarten which also meant he'd be attending a bigger school. Berran was born June 17th at only 35 weeks. We weren't expecting him until July 20th but God had other plans. I was scared, the doctors and nurses prepare you for the worst which would have been a stay in the nicu but by the grace of god we had a happy and healthy 6lb 8oz 18in long baby boy who had no complications and no nicu stay.
Around the same time football began and they were on the Rams 6u. Broox was the youngest child starting at age 4. I watched him start out as an uninterest child rolling around in the grass not putting forth effort to a lovely 5 year old that wasn't the best but was enjoying time playing, giving his best effort and having fun with his friends, which in the end he was awarded with the 'Iron Man' award.
Braxton was a very determined first year player and I waited the whole football season to see him lose his fear of hitting and FINALLY after the Rams season was over and he was selected for the East Allstars (1) game they played and he was finally tackling. Proud mom moment for sure!
Then of course we had our first Halloween, thanksgiving and Christmas as a family of 5. 
I really couldn't have asked for a better year. I hope to have another awesome year, so long 2014 and hello 2015.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Christmas 2014

Christmas for us is always hectic. I'm pretty sure last year was the ONLY year I have ever been able to actually sit home on Christmas Day and enjoy it and that was only because I myself cooked a small family dinner. Since I have divorced parents that means 2 dinners automatically then of course there is Berracs family which makes 3. This year we ended up with a total of 4 dinners, 2 on Christmas Eve and 2 Christmas Day. 

Needless to say although im extremely thankful for family I would much rather be able to enjoy Christmas with my kids at home and watch them play with their toys while they are still young because let's face it one day they won't want toys, they won't believe in Santa, they will eventually be grown and scattering visiting each dinner for a moment trying to 'please' everyone. For the time being I would actually like to ENJOY Christmas but reality is NO ONE ever seems to understand that.
Christmas Eve we were not home until 9pm, Christmas Day opened presents and rushed off. Not home until 9pm again. May I add I HAD to work Christmas Day (night shift), and the 2 following nights with that Sunday spent catching up on sleep and Monday returning to work for second shift. I normally don't work that much but we have to pick and choose holidays to work so it's fair to everyone.
Anyways, as you can tell I didn't get much time to enjoy with my kiddos at all. Again, I am thankful for such a wonderful family and I hate to whine and complain but it's just exhausting and not fun. Not to mention the kids hated not being able to play with their stuff.

ASIDE FROM ALL THAT the boys had a lovely Christmas Eve night and Christmas. We spend Christmas Eve night looking at Christmas lights for free that Buffalo Trace Distillary puts on every year. Once we arrived at home the kids opened their Christmas Eve gifts which consisted of Christmas pjs, pop corn, pop corn bowls, sprite, candy, cookie mix. We ended up making cookies for us and Santa of course, getting dressed in warm Christmas pjs, watching a Christmas movie and pretending we were at the movies with our beverage, popcorn and snacks.
After they drifted off and I was ready for bed I set up my phone to 'catch Santa' (thank you caught Santa app). When they woke up the first thing they done was check my phone where they found awesome Santa pictures!

That caught Santa app was the best thing ever and it's really nice for younger kids questioning his belief but wouldn't think twice that technology created the picture. I also had another app that showed elves walking on our floor and Santa leaving our house with his reindeer. I believe it is called Santa cam FX.

The kids loved seeing the Santa pics and enjoyed opening their presents. Braxton even said Santa brought him TOO many presents. I'm unsure which toy was Braxtons favorite but I do believe Brooxs' favorite was the easy bake oven which he is STILL waiting to use (yes we have been that busy). Unfortunately Berran slept through the entire Christmas morning so we have no footage of him. I finally opened 2 of his presents, shoes & Baltic amber necklace so he could wear them that day and then several days later he opened the rest. 

It's so exciting doing Christmas every year and seeing their faces light up with joy and still believing in Santa Claus yet knowing that it is a celebration of Jesus and that we give gifts just as baby Jesus was given gifts when he was born. After all when Santa is questioned I say but we believe in god and cannot see him, correct? Because seeing is NOT believing. Believing is what we feel in our heart.