(Berran in a sunbaby pocket diaper, leggings from www.babyleggings.com)
Thinking about cloth diapering? I know it can be extremely overwhelming. Once you get started looking you find out there are several types pockets, all in one (aio), all in twos (ai2), covers then there are the inserts, prefolds, flats, microfiber, blended, bamboo, hemp. So much to consider. Now I am no expert as I have just started out myself but I can tell you what I know.
I started looking shortly after I found out I was pregnant and I came across a really helpful blog www.awesomeclothdiapers.blogspot.com
I actually gathered a ton of info from this blog which also has links to other helpful CD blogs and made me a cloth diapering 101 book which I can email if anyone would like to print it out. Anyways I know how overwhelming it is so let me help you out a little.
AIO: all in one basically like a regular diaper just take off toss in the pail and wash, but it does take a while longer to dry.
AI2: all in two. now I have this one and I really do not see much differenence between this and a pocket diaper although it has a front and back entrance and flaps. put on like a diaper, it has an insert which you just take out toss in pail after use, stuff in insert after washing.
POCKET: these are what I have the most of and I love them. It has an opening in the back where you slide the insert right in. they are easy to use and you just put it on like a regular diaper, remove the insert and toss in the diaper pail. You will have to stuff it after insert and pocket diaper is clean that way it will be ready for use.
COVER: This is just a water resistant cover it does need an insert, flat or prefold to absorb the pee and poo.
ONE SIZE: is a diaper that is made to fit a baby for the length of time he/she will be diaper wearing. they have snaps to adjust the rise, thighs and waist. All of mine are one size and has fit him since he was 4 week old. If you want to start CDing at birth I would suggest investing in some newborn size diapers. one size will be your biggest money saver.
now onto the inserts....
MICROFIBER this is what almost every diaper will come with. It may work for you but I do not like! Most forums and blogs I've read do not like MF either!
BLENDED is usually microfiber and bamboo. These to work really well. The microfiber is good for wicking the moisture away and the bamboo is really absorbent. These have worked well for us. At first was only having to use one but he has now became a heavy wetter so we usually double with MF or another blended.
BAMBOO & HEMP are natural fabric inserts they absorb really well but they do not absorb as fast as the MF which immediately wicks away moisture. I have not tried these so I am not sure how well these work from personal experience. I plan on ordering bamboo soon and will be sure to keep you updated.
PREFOLD is a fabric square you can purchase them in cotton, bamboo and hemp. I have the bleached cotton ones. You can fold them to go on baby like a diaper and use a snappi or diaper pin as a closure or you can fold just like an insert.

FLOUR SACK TOWELS are also used as flat, prefold or insert. I haven't tried these out either but I have heard that they are really absorbent. Will keep you posted on them as well.
if you need further information on how to care for cloth diapers please let me know and I will email you a printable cloth diapering 101 booklet.
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