12-17-2014 Berran turned 6 months old. My baby is already half way to his first birthday, nooo! He has grown so fast and I am still not ready for him to get any bigger. He is my sweet little tiny baby that needs to stop growing I wish I was able to stop the hands of time for all of my children. Time goes by too fast and they grow even faster.
Berran is such a happy baby although his spoiledness has been coming out much more than it ever did before. He used to put himself to sleep during his day times naps if I was busy and unable to let him latch, no more. Now he HAS to latch on or HAS to be held to nod off to slumber land. He used to chill the entire time I cleaned the house unless he was hungry or needed a diaper change but not now. He loves to have my attention now more than ever before, rather it be me carrying him, talking to him, letting him latch on, or just him seeing me near by its almost always a must.
Lucky me he still isn't an awful child that cries a lot or seems overly spoiled. I can still get my house cleaned, dinner cooked, home work done and everything else inn between while giving him the attention that he needs and without him throwing a complete fit.
He is still in the bed with us. He was always in the bassinet until his reflux got bad when he was still small so we put him in the bed to be sure we heard him and reacted fast because he would choke a lot. Once it improved he still slept in the bassinet when he first went to sleep but when he woke up he was placed in the bed to nurse and I left him there to nurse as he pleased. Now, he just goes to bed when we do but the past 2 nights I have laid him down in the bassinet until he woke up because it WAS nice to have the bed to ourselves again, but I wouldn't trade his cuddles for anything.
Berran is now sitting with support, he has found his feet and puts them in his mouth all the time. Berran loves his pacifier and has began to follow it with his eyes when we dangle it in front of him and he will grab it and put it right back in his mouth. He thinks Braxton and Broox are hilarious. Speaking of Broox he finally admitted that he loves Berran to Berrac and I but its a secret and we are not supposed to tell anyone especially not Braxton. Anyways, we haven't been to Berrans 6 month check up yet so I am unsure of his weight and height but he is a chunk that is for sure. I gurantee he is 20 pounds or more. He seems to do more and more each day and he keeps a smile on his face!

Along with him being 6 months means we have reached our second breastfeeding goal! I really have had many problems this go around mastitis, clogged ducts, over supply, low supply. Luckily I have over came every single one. I do notice some weeks I have a lower supply, I no longer freak out as I did the first time it happened, instead, I heat up some oatmeal, throw in a little flax and brewers yeast then take fenugreek 3 times a day until its back to normal. So far those things seem to do the trick and I haven't even had to make the lactation cookies.
I am proud to say my baby has not had one drop of formula. It is amazing knowing that my body has nourished him since day one and still to this day my body is what is continuing to nourish him. With this being the 6 month I am supposed to introduce baby food. I think I am going to hold off until he begins to show interest. He still doesn't seem too interested in food and not to mention he was 5 weeks early so I feel as if he could use the extra 5 weeks before being started on food.
I have attempted some table foods like potatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas and peaches and he did like the banana and peaches but he did not chew or keep them in his mouth well and would not try to grab them himself.
Also, this is my third child and it was never brought to my attention that the baby food is NOT supposed to replace feedings but the food is supposed to compliment a feeding. I love that I know this now because I do not want our breastfeeding to drastically decrease. Once we do start food I will nurse first and then offer baby food. So, to you mothers out there who didn't know, there ya go!!
I plan on nursing him as long as he pleases. Yay to a happy, healthy exclusively breastfed 6 month old baby!