Here it is 9pm at night. I'm yelling at my oldest 2 to get in and stay in the bed, attempting to watch scandal while my mind is racing thinking of all the things I HAVE to do before bed.
Yesterday went so smooth why on earth would I think today would be a repeat? No idea! I have 2 kids at 2 different schools with thanksgiving lunch that I had to attend because you don't want your kid to be the kid without a parent there no matter the circumstances. Unfortunately at the moment (past 6 months) we have only had 1 vehicle and of course the lunches happen to fall on the day Berrac works. I had to get the kids on the bus, load up the baby and head to take Berrac to work which is an hour away. After we got home rush rush rush nurse, shower, look presentable and get the baby ready.
Finally make it to Braxton's thanksgiving lunch 5 minutes late and to a child 5 minutes is like all day he had given up hope that I was even coming.
Next stop Brooxs lunch. I made it there on time. He wouldn't take a picture but whatever. Of course there I was the mom trying to carry a huge britax (heavy) car seat with a 20 pound infant AND a tray of food. Thank you to the beautiful mother with nicely fixed hair, business suit and heels (ya know the perfect life looking mom) that helped me.
After that off to Kroger I went to only find that they didn't carry what I was looking for, left my wallet in the cart that I had already pushed in, luckily it was still there when I went to check.
Once I was home it was wonderful for a whole hour and a half. BUMMER. At least I was able to enjoy my soap opera right?! Back on the road it was pick up kids and another hour trip to get Berrac from work.
Home again, home AT LAST. Yeah freaking right. Time to get Braxton dressed and ready for his All Star team football practice and after that HELLO kitchen, time to cook.
..... AND that brings us to now, now it's 9:30 pm at least I've finished this post. I have managed to pay attention to Scandal and I know what's going on. Braxton and Broox are now fast asleep. Berran is in my lap finally in a nappy after leaving him naked and peeing in the bed. He still needs a bath I'm sure he will wake before I'm in bed anyways. He's on NO schedule but he's pretty chill and goes with the flow. My living room is a mess. My kitchen even messier now with dishes from last night and tonight's dinner. Food STILL sitting out waiting to be put up. I have one more show to watch that is important to me because it's MY TIME so maybe I'll at least get the food put away and hopefully make it through my 10pm show. Some times being a sucks. The stress, the tiredness, the mess, the kids, the cooking, the only MOM time is late at night with eyes barely open, but when I go around giving those one last kisses before I do close my eyes I remember how the suckiness of motherhood is all worth it and one day I will look back and miss the once said sucky days.
I wrote this post yesterday 11/20/14 so may I add to my original post that I went to bed about 12:30 only for Berran to keep me up all night long with a terrible cough. At the time his insurance is completely messed up and he is uninsured so after and hour and a half of coughing fits, wheezing and rattling in his chest I took him to the ER. Even though he is a healthy preemie what comes along with that is a higher risk for RSV and other infections I didn't want to risk anything being wrong especially with whooping cough getting worse these day.
We arrived at the ER around 4:30 am he had 2 breathing treatments and everything was negative and he is okay. At 6 am we were still there. I text Berrac giving him very specific directions to where the kids clothes were and what time to be looking for the busses because of course the first text he sent was I don't see any clothes laid out followed by I cant find there clothes. Of course what would men/dads do without us women/moms. I don't know why I would expect one simple thing to get done that is normally a mothers job. Anyways I told him to just leave them in the bed so they had a free day off from school. Berran and I arrived back home at 9 am and we slept most of the day. THANK YOU older bros for letting mommy get some rest. Again sometimes being a mother sucks and its tiring and things go wrong but hey that's just part of being a mom and being a parenting!